Thursday, 14 July 2011

Afro-Asians apprehended at the green border

In the last 24 hours, Border Police officers within Timis Border Police County Inspectorate apprehended fourteen illegal migrants who had entered illegally the Romanian territory.
  • Yesterday morning, Border Police officers within Lunga Border Police Sector detected in the competency area, on Romanian territory, ten men who spoke no Romanian and had no identity documents. Border Police officers led the aforementioned people on the premises of Lunga Border Police Sector in order to sort out the situation. In order to apprehend the aforementioned people, Border Police officers had to use their equipment. They were apprehended very close to the border.
  • Few hours later, Border Police officers within Moravita Border Police Sector detected in the competency area, two men who spoke no Romanian and had no identity documents, walking towards the border line.
  • Last evening, Border Police officers within Jimbolia Border Police Sector detected at about 500 meters away from Serbian territory, two people walking, who spoke no Romanian and had no identity documents. Border Police officers led the aforementioned people on the premises of Jimbolia Border Police Sector in order to sort out the situation.
After preliminary investigations was established the fact that the aforementioned people are citizens of Morocco, India, Alger and Tunisia, with ages between 19 to 41 years old. They stated that they entered illegally Romania in order to reach Schengen area.
Border Police officers interrupted their journey and drawn prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing on their names. At the end of the investigations the fourteen people are going to be taken over by the prosecutor in order to be taken the imposed legal measures.

Restricted traffic on the Bulgarian side of the Giurgiu - Russe bridge

The Romanian - Bulgarian Joint Contact Centre informed that, starting with 14.07.2011, 08.30 hours, the neighboring country authorities launched the rehabilitation project for the Bulgarian side of Giurgiu - Russe Friendship Bridge.
On this occasion temporary traffic signs and lights for restricting the access to one side of the road are going to be placed.
The rehabilitation activity will last till 28.08.2011.
In order to avoid the traffic jam and to perform an efficient and fluent control, Romanian Border Police will increase the number of the personnel carrying out tasks at the Border Crossing Point and based on needs will increase also the number of check lines at the entry and exit too.
Also, measures for effective management of the operational situation, meaning preventing and countering cross border crimes, are going to be taken.

Statistics regarding Romanian Border Police activity in the last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, in the competence areas - meaning border crossing points and "green border" - Border Police officers detected:
  • 44 illegal deeds (15 crimes and 29 penalties) committed by Romanian and foreign citizens;
  • the amount of penalties reaches approximately 8,178 lei;
  • undeclared goods (which were to be smuggled into the country), which exceeded the customs’ legal provisions or were suspected as being counterfeit with a total value of 32,600 lei, were detected;
  • the flow of passengers and means of transportation at the border crossing points was about 116,000 people, both at the entry and at the exit and over 31,500 means of transportation.
    4 foreign citizens were refused entry due to the fact that they did not meet the entry requirements, and also 2 foreign and 46 Romanian citizens were not allowed to exit Romania out of various legal grounds.