At the end of the last week, Romanian Border Police officers detected and apprehended 19 people, citizens of Alger, Morocco, etc. trying to illegally cross the green border.
12 illegal migrants were apprehended by Border Police officers within Timis Border Police County Inspectorate 4 illegal migrants by Border Police officers within Satu Mare Border Police County Inspectorate and 3 by those within Arad Border Police County Inspectorate.
In all the cases prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing or attempt of state border illegal crossing were drawn by Border Police officers.
12 illegal migrants were apprehended by Border Police officers within Timis Border Police County Inspectorate 4 illegal migrants by Border Police officers within Satu Mare Border Police County Inspectorate and 3 by those within Arad Border Police County Inspectorate.
In all the cases prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing or attempt of state border illegal crossing were drawn by Border Police officers.
- Between 16-17.07.2011, Border Police officers within Timis Border Police County Inspectorate apprehended several groups of migrants from Morocco, Tunisia, aghanistan with ages between 16 to 40 years old trying to illegally reach Schengen area.
Thus, on 17.07.2011 at about 17.20 hours, Border Police officers within Lunga Border Police Sector detected, in the competency area, three men who spoke no Romanian and had no identity documents. Border Police officers led the people on the premises of Lunga Border Police Sector, in order to sort out the situation.
On this occasion was established the fact that the three men, with ages between 21 to 40 years old, are Tunisians and one Algerian and that they have illegally crossed the border from Serbia to Romania.
Also Border Police officers within Jimbolia Border Police Sector detected during this week-end, in the competency area, four groups of illegal migrants (three from Morocco, four from Alger and two from Afghanistan) with ages between 16 to 31 years old who have illegally crossed the border from Serbia to Romania.
Prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing were drawn by Border Police officers, following to be taken the legal imposed measures. - On 17.07.201, at about 00.30, a Border Police patrol within Nadlac Border Police Sector, Arad County, based on intelligence, detected at about 50 meters away from the Romanian - Hungarian border, three men walking towards Hungary.
After the investigation, was established the fact that they are Algerians with ages between 19 to 38 years old and intended to reach Schengen area. The aforementioned people stated that they took a car to Nadlac from where they’ve walked, over the filed till they were apprehended. They’ve acted this way for not having a Schngen visa. - Also on 17.07.201, at about 00.30, Border Police officers within Satu Mare Border Police County Inspectorate initiated an action on countering illegal migration, on which occasion they’ve apprehended, in the competency area, four men, with ages between 21 and 54, walking on the Shore of Somes River towards Hungary.
Both of the cases, the journey of the illegal migrants was interrupted and prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of attempt of state border illegal crossing were drawn by Border Police officers, following, at the end of the investigation to be taken the legal imposed measures.