In the last 24 hours, Border Police officers from the North-Eastern part of Romania assessed 90,000 packages of cigarettes, in two smuggling cases being necessary the usage of weapons and ammunition in order to apprehend the smugglers.
On the name of six people prior acts of criminal investigation of the offense of illegal border crossing and fiscal evasion were drawn by Border Police officers.
The cigarettes, valuing about 700,000 LEI, were seized.
On the evening of 23.08.2011, while carrying out specific tasks, Border Police officers within Vicov Border Police Sector detected near the border a group of several people walking from Ukraine towards Romania, carrying several big boxes.
As law stipulates, Border Police officers verbally asked to stop the aforementioned people, but due to the fact that they had ignored the warning, trying to run towards the Ukrainian territory, the law enforcements had to use the weapons and ammunition vertically, for several times, apprehending two Ukrainians, P.M., 23 years old and A.M., 22 years old.
In the area where the two men were apprehended, were detected dozens of big boxes containing over 70,000 packages of cigarettes, various brands made in Ukraine and Republic of Moldova.
Prior acts of criminal investigation of the offense of illegal border crossing and of smuggling were drawn by Border Police officers, acts which were sent to Radauti Court Prosecutor’s Office for taking the imposed legal measures.
The whole amount of cigarettes, valuing about 600,000 LEI was seized.
The investigations are in process, carried out by Border Police officers within Suceava Border Police County Inspectorate, the Ukrainian Border Police authorities being informed in order to identify all the people involved.
Also Border Police officers within Botosani Border Police County Inspectorate detected and apprehended two Romanian citizens carrying over the border more than 7,000 packages of smuggled cigarettes.
Thus 23.08.2011, while carrying out specific tasks, Border Police officers within Romanesti Border Police Sector, Botosani County detected near the border several people walking from Prut River towards Romania, carrying four big boxes.
The aforementioned people were verbally asked to stop by the Border Police officers, but they have ignored the warning and tried to run away, taking advantage of the dark and of the off road terrain. Border Police officers had to use their weapons and ammunition, shooting two times vertically; they apprehended one person, Stefan B., 20 years old, inhabitant of Stanca.
In the area where the man was apprehended were detected 4 big boxes containing over 7,000 packages of Plugaru brand cigarettes, made in Republic of Moldova.
As a result of the investigations, was identified another person involved in the crime, Andrei C., 26 years old, inhabitant of Stanca.
Prior acts of criminal investigation of the offense of smuggling and of fiscal evasion were drawn by Border Police officers, acts which were sent to Botosani Court Prosecutor’s Office.
The whole amount of cigarettes, valuing about 60,000 LEI was seized.
At the moment, Border Police officers are further investigating the case in order to detect all the people involved in this crime ant to take the imposed legal measures.
Also, the Republic of Moldova Border Guard authorities were informed in order to investigate the case together with the Romanian Border Police.
Also yesterday, while carrying out specific tasks, Border Police officers within Vicov Border Police Sector detected in a minivan 11,000 packages of cigarettes, valuing 36,000 LEI.
Thus, around 22.00 hours, Border Police officers detected in the competency area, near the border, a minivan registered in Ireland, carrying several boxes containing cigarettes.
As a result of fulfilling their specific tasks, Border Police officers detected and apprehended in the competency area two people: G. Ionel, 25 years old and A. Ovidiu, 23 years old, both living in Suceava County.
Checking thoroughly the vehicle, Border Police officers detected several boxes containing 11,000 cigarettes packages of various brands, Ukrainian and Republic of Moldova made.
Prior acts of criminal investigation of the offense of illegal border crossing and of smuggling were drawn by Border Police officers, acts which were further sent to Radauti Court Prosecutor’s Office, in order to be taken the imposed legal measures.
The whole amount of cigarettes, valuing about 36,000 LEI was seized by Border Police officers within Suceava Border Police County Inspectorate and the minivan, valuing 8,000 LEI was seized also on the premises of Vicov Border Police Sector, for further investigations.