Friday, 15 July 2011

Video: Four people hidden in a bus detected at Nadlac

Four people hidden in a bus detected at Nadlac

Border Police officers within Arad Border Police County Inspectorate detected four people who intended to illegally enter Romania in order to reach Schengen area, hidden in driver’s resting compartment of the bus.
On 14th of July 2011, in the evening, at about 18.45 hours, at Nadlac Land Border Crossing Point came in order to exit Romania Mehmet E., a Turkish citizen 36 years old, the driver of a MERCEDES bus registered in Romania accompanied by a second driver, Nicusor D., a Romanian citizen, 33 years old. According to their documents, the bus had to transport fourteen passengers to Germany.
On the occasion of the border check, Border Police officers detected four extra men hidden in the back of the bus, in driver’s resting compartment. After being asked to legitimate themselves, the aforementioned people presented to Border Police officers Bulgarian identity cards, which were labeled as falsified by the border authorities.
As a result of the investigations, the fact that the four hidden people are Afghans and Tunisians with ages between 22 to 25 years old was established. The aforementioned people stated that the falsified documents were provided by some unknown people in exchange for 100 Euro per each and they’ve proceeded this way because of the lack of a Schengen visa.
At the same time, the drivers of the bus stated that they had no idea about the way that the four young men reached their resting compartment.
Border Police officers interrupted their journey and drawn prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of attempt to state border illegal crossing on their names and also of false regarding the identity. The two drivers are going to be investigating for trafficking illegal migrants. At the end of the investigations imposed legal measures are going to be taken.

Statistics regarding Romanian Border Police activity in the last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, in the competence areas - meaning border crossing points and "green border" - Border Police officers detected:
  • 63 illegal deeds (32 crimes and 31 penalties) committed by Romanian and foreign citizens;
  • the amount of penalties reaches approximately 6,690 lei;
  • undeclared goods (which were to be smuggled into the country), which exceeded the customs’ legal provisions or were suspected as being counterfeit with a total value of 11,500 lei, were detected;
  • the flow of passengers and means of transportation at the border crossing points was about 123,000 people, both at the entry and at the exit and over 30,400 means of transportation.
    7 foreign citizens were refused entry due to the fact that they did not meet the entry requirements and 38 Romanian citizens were not allowed to exit Romania out of various legal grounds.