Wednesday, 11 January 2012

The outcomes of the hunting session was a criminal file

Border Police officers within Iasi County drawn prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of poaching on the name of two men detected hunting illegally in the responsibility area of Romanian Border Police.

Romanian-Bulgarian cooperation meeting at Giurgiu

Yesterday, at Border Police Museum from Giurgiu, an official meeting between representatives of Giurgiu Territorial Border Police Inspectorate and representatives of Bulgarian Border Police.
During the meeting the cooperation between the two institutions for the last year, 2011, was assessed and aspects regarding countering illegal migration and cross border criminality was approached.

Illegal migrants detected at the border

Border Police officers within Timis County detected four men, with ages from 22 to 47 years old, trying to illegally cross the Serbian-Romanian border.
Prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of illegal state border crossing were drawn by Border Police officers.

False documents detected at Cenad

Border Police officers within Cenad Border Crossing Point detected a young man intending to exit Romania along with a underage Romanian citizen, using a falsified attorney empowerment. The man stated that he bought the empowerment for 40 Euros from an unknown person from Timisoara. Prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of complicity to illegal state border crossing and of complicity to material forgery in regards to official documents were drawn by Border Police officers.
Few hours later, Border Police officers within Cenad Border Crossing Point detected a man trying to illegally cross the border using a forged identity card. The man stated that he intended to reach France and that he bought the document for 100 Euros from an unknown person from Timisoara.

Driver without driving license at Mangalia

Border Police officers within Mangalia Group of Vessels detected in Mangalia, in traffic a Romanian citizen driving a car, on public roads, without a owning a driving license.
Border Police officers incriminated the man for not having a driving license which allows a person to drive a car on public roads.

Illegal fishing at Pardina

Border Police officers within PardinaBorder Police Sector detected, while fulfilling daily tasks, two men, I.G, 33 years old and T.N., 46 years old, leaving in Ceatalchioi, illegally fishing.
Prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of illegal fishing, using also illegal fishing tools, were drawn by Border Police officers.

Counterfeit goods detected at Agigea Border Crossing Point

A joint team consisting of Border Police officers and Customs officers detected in a container originally from China, 14.300 possible counterfeited clothing articles.
The possible counterfeited clothing articles were assessed by custom officers, prior acts of criminal investigation being drawn by Border Police officers on the name of the two Chinese administrators of the company.

Criminal file in regards to illegal fishing

Border Police officers within Darabani Border Police Sector detected within the area of responsibility three Romanian citizens using for fishing activities illegal tools -monofilament net - in a natural fishing environment.
Prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of illegal fishing were drawn by Border Police officers, the documents following to be handed over to Prosecutor’s office within Darabani Court House.

Video: The trip to Italy stopped by Border Police officers within Galati County

The trip to Italy stopped by Border Police officers within Galati County

Border Police officers within Oancea Border Police Sector detected within the area of responsibility, with the help of Land Rover thermo-vision equipment, a citizen of Republic of Moldova, Alexandru E., 31 years old, whom illegally crossed the border over the Prut River. The man intended to reach Italy for finding a job, supported in his intention by two other co nationals.
Prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of complicity to illegal state border crossing were drawn by Border Police officers on the name of the two Moldovans, Ruslan C. and Cristian L. and of illegal state border crossing and of complicity to material forgery in regards to official documents.

Statistics regarding Romanian Border Police activity in the last 24 hours

In the last 24 hours, in the competence areas - meaning border crossing points and "green border" - Border Police officers detected:
  • 59 illegal deeds (28 crimes and 31 penalties) committed by Romanian and foreign citizens;
  • the amount of penalties reaches approximately 3,800 lei;
  • undeclared goods (which were to be smuggled into the country), which exceeded the customs’ legal provisions or were suspected as being counterfeit with a total value of 1,540,000 lei, were detected;
  • the flow of passengers and means of transportation at the border crossing points was about 81,900 people, both at the entry and at the exit and over 21,900 means of transportation.
    12 foreign citizens were refused entry due to the fact that they did not meet the entry requirements and 24 Romanian citizens were not allowed to exit Romania out of various legal grounds.