Monday, 4 July 2011

Thirty nine illegal migrants detected at the Romanian border

At the end of the last week, Romanian Border Police Officers detected and apprehended 39 people, citizens of India, Alger, Morocco etc. trying to illegally cross the "green border".
37 illegal migrants were apprehended by border police officers within Timis Border Police County Inspectorate and 2 by those within Arad Border Police County Inspectorate.
In all the cases prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing or attempt of state border illegal crossing were drawn by border police officers.
  • Between 01 - 04.07.2011, border police officers within Timis Border Police County Inspectorate apprehended several groups of migrants trying to illegally reach Schengen area.
    The 37 migrants, citizens of India, Alger, Morocco, Tunisia, Afghanistan and Lebanon were detected by border police officers within Jimbolia, Sannicolau Mare, Moravita and Lunga Border Police Sectors. As technical support, in some cases, border police officers used thermo vision technique for detecting the migrants.
    The biggest group, consisting of seven migrants, was detected in the competency area of Jimbolia Border Police Sector, on 01.07.2011. The aforementioned migrants spoke no Romanian and had no identity documents which entitled the border police officers to lead them on the premises of Jimbolia Border Police Sector, in order to sort out the situation. On this occasion was established the fact that the seven people, with ages between 20 and 54 are: three of them Algerians, one Tunisian, one citizen of Lebanon and two citizens of Morocco. All of them had illegally crossed the Serbian-Romanian border.
    In all the cases prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing were drawn by border police officers.
    At the end of the investigations some of the migrants asked for refugee status, Romanian Immigration Office taking over the cases.
  • On 03.07.201, at about 02.30, a border police patrol within Nadlac Border Police Sector, Arad County, detected at about 100 meters away from the Romanian-Hungarian border, two people walking towards Hungary. Their presence in the area not being justified, they were leaded to the Nadlac Border Police Sector for further investigations.
    As a result of the investigations the fact that the aforementioned people are Algerians, with ages between 22 and 25 years old was established.
    On the name of these people prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing were drawn by border police officers.

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