At the end of the last week, Romanian Border Police Officers within Timis, Caras Severin and Satu Mare Border Police County Inspectorates detected, in the area of responsibility, 19 people, citizens of Alger, Morocco and Pakistan trying to illegally cross the Romanian "green border".
In all the cases prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing or attempt of state border illegal crossing were drawn by Border Police officers.
In all the cases prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing or attempt of state border illegal crossing were drawn by Border Police officers.
- Border Police officers within Lunga and Sannicolau Mare Border Police Sectors, Timis County apprehended, in the area of responsibility, two groups of migrants of various nationalities. They spoke no Romanian and had no identity documents.
Border Police officers led the people on the premises of Border Police Sectors, in order to sort out the situation. On this occasion was established the fact that ten of them are Algerians and three from Morocco with ages between 18 to 34 years old. Nine of them intended to illegally cross the border from Serbia to Romania.
The aforementioned people stated that they have acted this way due to the fact that they wanted to reach Schengen area and had no visas for that. - On 12.09.201, at about 21.30, Border Police officers within Oravita Border Police Sector, Caras Severin County initiated an action on countering illegal migration.
Thus, around 00.30 hours, at about 200 meters away from the border, were detected four men, walking.
Border Police officers identified them as foreigners with no identity documents. They were led on the premises of the institution for further investigations.
Out of the preliminary investigations and men’s statements resulted that they are citizens of Pakistan, with ages between 23 and 38 years old and that they have illegally entered Romania from Republic of Serbia. - Also Border Police officers within Carei Border Police Sector, Satu Mare County detected in the area of responsibility, two illegal migrants, citizens of Morocco, trying to illegally reach Schengen area.
In all the cases, prior acts of criminal investigation in terms of the offense of state border illegal crossing or attempt of state border illegal crossing were drawn by Border Police officers, following to be taken the legal imposed
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